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Promoting Sustainability in VET

Logo: Opetushallitus rahoittaa hanketta.

Project description

The project supports VET providers in the promotion of sustainability and in the development of a sustainable future. The project networks arrange five training modules for different target groups.

“Sustainable pathways towards the future”: VET providers are helped to redesign their strategies to better support the sustainability by using sustainability indicators.

“Introduction to a sustainable future”: VET teachers learn more about the dimensions of sustainability and about the sustainability indicators via an online course and webinars “Responsible Communication in VET schools”: Participants develop a communication plan based on responsibility and commitment.

“Towards sustainable professional skills”: Participants learn about the changes in their vocational fields; they create “skills promises” that support sustainable working methods in their work.

Target groups

Teachers, managers and other staff in VET sector

Duration of the project 


Project manager at Omnia

Niina Rossi ja Jukka Kurola


Sykli Environmental School of Finland (coordinator), Lounais-Hämeen koulutuskuntayhtymä


Ammattilaisen kädenjälki (in finnish) (äjät-hanke tukee ammatillisia oppilaitoksia kestävän elämäntavan edistämisessä 


Finnish Agency for Education

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