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Important contact details regarding safety

By calling the general emergency number, you can contact all important authorities in an emergency. Non-urgent safety-related observations must be reported.

General emergency number 112

In Finland, the general emergency number is 112. In an emergency, everyone has an obligation to help and at least call the emergency number. The emergency number must not be called in non-urgent matters.

By calling the emergency number, you can get instructions and help from the authorities (emergency medical care, police, rescue or social services).

Make sure to report any safety concerns

It is important to report any observation that threatens safety and violates the rules and regulations to the teacher, manager, janitor or to the closest staff member.

Submit an online tip to the police ( when you observe suspicious and potentially criminal activity online, e.g. breach of data security, drugs, racist crimes and discrimination, violence, threats of violence or other threats to security. An online tip is not a report of an offence, and when you need urgent police help, call the emergency number 112.

Report safety-related events, deficiencies and deviations with a safety incident report in Finnish (Forms). The notification can also be a positive safety observation and a suggestion to improve the safety of Omnia.

It is not possible to add an attachment to the safety incident report, all possible image and video files are sent to

Report inappropriate behaviour in Omnia with a bullying and harassment report in Finnish (Forms).

Responsible parties for office security

Please contact Omnia's Security staff by email at message address. The message reaches the people responsible for different areas of security.

Premises Coordinators are in charge of the security at different campuses:

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