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ASTep towards new European Learning: a digital and personalized approach - ASTEL

Logo: Co-founded by the Erasmus Plus Programme of the European Union.
Astel logo.

Project description

ASTEL project will answer for the EU context and needs of modernization and digitalization VET by collecting, analyzing and sharing best practices in five partner countries. The general topics are: Digitalization and the information systems used education system; Flexible individual study pathways for students in secondary level and Flexible and innovative study environments.

Target groups

VET organizations and working life, experts and students 

Duration of the project 

01.10.2018 – 31.03.2021

Project manager at Omnia

Sirje Hassinen


Lead partner: Omnia, the Joint Authority of Education in Espoo Region
Partners: INNOVE (Estonia), Aula de Comercio – Estodos Tecnicos e Profissionais, Lda (Portugal), Emmaüsinstituut@2 (Belgium), Stichting Chr onderwijsgroep Vallei en Gelderland-Midden (Netherlands)


Erasmus + KA2

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