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Literacy training

Literacy training
Do you want to learn to read and write in the Latin alphabet? Come to a literacy training course.

Description of the training

In literacy training, you will learn basic vocabulary of the Finnish language, practice oral language use situations and learn to read and write in the Latin alphabet.  

Who is the literacy training for? 

Literacy training is a good fit for you, if

  • you are an adult immigrant
  • your integration period is ongoing
  • you cannot read and write in your own language, or
  • you do not know the letters of the Finnish language.

Content of the training

In literacy training, you

  • learn basic vocabulary of the Finnish language,
  • practise oral language use situations, and
  • learn to read and write in the Latin alphabet.

The studies in basic skills also include basic mathematics and the strengthening of digital skills. The training is carried out as a voluntary integration training in close cooperation with the TE Office.

Applying for the training

Immigrant during the integration period

If you are an immigrant and your integration period is ongoing, you do not need to apply separately for the training. The TE Office invites Espoo residents who need training in reading and writing to service counselling days organised by the Espoo Adult Education Centre. They will find the right training for you and the right time for the training. Half an hour of personal guidance and telephone interpretation has been reserved for you in the service counselling.

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